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PCMTuner V1.25 ECU Data Processing Service Guide

已有 331 次阅读2022-4-27 21:28 |系统分类:科技教育| pcmtuner 分享到微信

Here shares pcmtuner 1.25 version guide:
1. There are two versions of pcmtuner software, and Pcm tuner version is different from Pcm flash version

2. EOBDTOOL engineers recommend updating pcmtuner tool to v1.25 only! DONT UPDATE PCMFLASH TO V1.25 FOR NOW!!

Here shares PCMTuner ECU Data Processing Service Process:
PCMTuner ecu data processing service process (functions such as power adjustment, immo off, dpf/egr remove, dtc shielding, etc.)

1. The customer reads the flash data of the ecu through the pcmtuner device (if you only buy the PCMtuner Dongle, you need to find another device to use to read the flash data, such as Tactrix Openport 2.0, Scanmatik 2 PRO and other devices)

2. Read out the flash data of ecu + model + ECU model and send it to you and submit it to the factory for modification. You need to explain your needs (such as power transfer, immo off, dpf/egr remove, dtc shielding, etc.)

3. The ECU Flash data processed by the factory will be sent back to you, and then written to the ECU through PCMTuner Tool.

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Email: sales@eobdtool.co.uk

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