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ps on PCMTUNER Honda CIVIC1800 MED17.9.3 ECU Read and Write

已有 389 次阅读2022-7-4 03:21 分享到微信

Tips on PCMTUNER Honda CIVIC1800 l-VT3C 141HP 2012-2018 MED17.9.3 ECU Read and Write

tips on pcmuner honda civic1800 med17.9.3 ecu read and write 1

STEP : 1
Read and write steps
Use a universal cable connect the ECU to PCMtuner BENCH/BOOT port
USB cable connect laptop and PCMtuner
Power adapater connect PCMtuner for ensure power supply
You can read and write the ECU

Notice: dont forget make fullbackup before you do any work,that will always make your work safe
Fullbackup mean read eeprom and flash then save it.

Please select the 71 protocols TC1793 for read flash and eeprom when you connect all cable and back to click start read and write(software will forward to read and write GUI).
Attention: all user better read fullbackup( read flash and eeprom) for keep safe.

tips on pcmuner honda civic1800 med17.9.3 ecu read and write 2


STEP : 2
Read and write steps
Use a universal cable connect the ECU to PCMtuner BENCH/BOOT port
USB cable connect laptop and PCMtuner
Power adapater connect PCMtuner for ensure power supply
You can read and write the ECU

Notice: dont forget make fullbackup before you do any work,that will always make your work safe
Fullbackup mean read eeprom and flash then save it.

Please select the 71 protocols TC1793 for read flash and eeprom when you connect all cable and back to click start read and write(software will forward to read and write GUI).
Attention: all user better read fullbackup( read flash and eeprom) for keep safe.

tips on pcmuner honda civic1800 med17.9.3 ecu read and write 3







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