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How to Solve the Problem of Intermittent Alarm and Speed limit of 1400RPM When t

已有 119 次阅读2024-1-18 10:15 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

 This article mainly introduces how to solve the problem of intermittent alarm and speed limit of 1400RPM when the DX60-9C excavator engine is working.

 2023.07 Doosan DMS-5 Data Monitoring System Diagnostic Software


 1) Check the instrument panel fault code to display E001382-31C engine speed limit 140ORPM. ; 


 2) Query the meaning of the code through the fault code table: fuel filter element pressure sensor 

identification error; 


 3) Check the voltage value of the three wires of the fuel filter element pressure sensor. Under normal 

conditions, it should be: 0.85W4.9V/0.85L OV/0.85GR 2.3V when normal, when the engine alarms ov. 


 4) By comparing with the new car, we found that the 0.85GR line should always be around 2.4V, but 

when the fault code appears on this car, it is always OV, so it is suspected that the terminal is short-

circuited to ground.


 Doosan Diagnostic Tool UVIM Support Doosan Excavators High Quality


After investigation, it was found that the 0.85GR terminal of the fuel pressure sensor was intermittently 

grounded. After the grounding point was re-bandaged, it worked normally.

Doosan Diagnostic Tool DDT G2 SCAN( ECU ,DCU)Software 2016







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