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Tina Baby //www.sinovision.net/?71549 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 做自己的宝贝

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These Hard Times

已有 2123 次阅读2011-7-13 14:54 分享到微信

Morning falls like rain
Into the city life
There goes another night

Lose my breath in waves
Knowing that every crash
Is bleeding the hourglass
And taking the stride
From all our lives

Everyone keeps talking
They promise you everything
They don't mean anything

We may lose our focus
There's just too many words
We're never meant to learn
And we don't feel so alive

Say goodbye, these days are gone
And we can't keep holding on
When all we need is some relief
Through these hard times

Move your hands in circles
Keeping me hypnotized
The power behind your eyes

Move around your bedroom
Cursing the naked sky
You should be here tonight
But you stay alone and cry

Say goodbye, these days are gone
And we can't keep holding on
When all we need is some relief
Through these hard times

Oh, there's something missing
Oh, you never feel it but you
Oh, you're gonna feel it
When it's gone, when it's gone


上一篇: 8090的歌
下一篇: Sad Thing...






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回复 今又是 2011-7-14 02:36
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-13 19:16
3 blog posts per day? DAYUM.


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