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Sad countdown

已有 1060 次阅读2011-9-16 03:40 分享到微信

[ti: sad countdown]
[ar: small Xi m]
Sad countdown
Lyrics: in just singing: a small former m
Story is of the fuzzy
I heard that squandered the country love
Total well-being of people in front of people was more lonely after
Love to love people very numb
Seen a lot of good end of the
A little bit sad envy
Simply lost his way not to walk
Ending with the silence of love last
I am sad to be cruel
Do not bundle the beautiful
I will have to secure the illusion of love buried
I am sad to be fragile
Do not perfunctory strong
I want this love is booming
Dust in the eyes
Seen a lot of good end of the
A little bit sad envy
Simply lost his way not to walk
Ending with the silence of love last
I am sad to be cruel
Do not bundle the beautiful
I will have to secure the illusion of love buried
I am sad to be fragile
Do not perfunctory strong
I want this love is booming
Dust in the eyes
I would like the end of time
Never loved the same as
The kind of innocence long forgotten
I am sad to be quiet
Do not bundle the beautiful
I will have to secure the illusion of love buried
I am sad to be fragile
Do not perfunctory strong
I want this love is booming
Dust in the eyes
A turn would come to an end
Because a little cry escape
Recalling the scene shut our eyes and holding hands
Finally see the face of love

This is a song I like, it can make people quiet ...


上一篇: 孩子的童真







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