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威胁预期的变化作为焦虑障碍基于暴露的心理治疗机制:来自605名患者的8,484次暴露练习 ...

已有 390 次阅读2023-4-10 15:39 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Change of Threat Expectancy as Mechanism of Exposure-Based Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: Evidence From 8,484 Exposure Exercises of 605 Patients



< Clinical Psychological Science> 2023, 11 (2)





[Abstract] Individual responses to behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders vary considerably, which requires a better understanding of underlying processes. In this study, we examined the violation and change of threat beliefs during exposure. From 8,484 standardized exposure records of 605 patients with different anxiety disorders, learning indicators were derived: expectancy violation as mismatch between threat expectancy before exposure and threat occurrence, expectancy change as difference between original and adjusted expectancy after exposure, and prediction-error learning rate as extent to which expectancy violation transferred into change. Throughout sessions, high threat expectancy but low occurrence and adjusted expectancy indicated successful violation and change of threat beliefs by exposure. Expectancy violation, change, and learning rate substantially varied between patients. Not expectancy violation itself, but higher learning rate and expectancy change predicted better treatment outcome. Successful exposure thus requires expectancy violation to induce actual expectancy change, supporting learning from prediction error as transdiagnostic mechanism underlying successful exposure therapy.

[Key words] exposure therapy, anxiety disorders, prediction error, expectancy violation, treatment outcome, mechanisms of change


论文原文:Andre Pittig, Ingmar Heinig, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, et al. (2023). Change of Threat Expectancy as Mechanism of Exposure-Based Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders: Evidence From 8,484 Exposure Exercises of 605 Patients. Clinical Psychological Science, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 199-217.










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