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已有 178 次阅读2023-12-11 16:24 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



Therapeutic alliance in the treatment of adolescent substance misuse: a systematic review


< Child Adolescent Ment Health> Volume 28

First published: August 12023


【摘要】背景:已发现治疗联盟在预测成人和青少年心理治疗结果方面发挥着重要作用。然而,到目前为止,有关治疗联盟对青少年药物滥用治疗结果影响的信息尚未得到严格综合。方法:根据PRISMA指南,当前的审查旨在系统地整理已发表的研究,调查联盟与接受药物滥用治疗的青少年的结果之间的关联。数据库检索产生了1083条记录,其中16项研究符合资格标准。结果:16项研究中有12 (75%) 报告了显著的联盟-结果关系,即较高的联盟评级预示着更好的治疗结果,以及改善的治疗参与度和保留率。此外,该审查还参考联盟评估者、联盟评级的时间和合并症诊断,探讨了联盟更好地预测结果的条件。然而,这些结果在很大程度上仍然是不确定的。结论:现有证据证明了治疗联盟在预测青少年药物滥用治疗结果方面的重要性。本文讨论了该综述的发现和对未来研究的建议的影响。



[Abstract] Background: Therapeutic alliance has been found to play an influential role in predicting outcomes for adults and adolescents in psychotherapy. However, thus far, the information concerning the impact of therapeutic alliance on outcomes for adolescents in treatment for substance misuse has not yet been critically synthesised. MethodsIn accordance with PRISMA guidelines, the current review aimed to systematically collate published research investigating the association between alliance and outcomes for adolescents undergoing substance misuse treatment. Database searching produced 1083 records, with 16 studies meeting eligibility criteria. Results: Twelve out of the 16 studies (75%) reported significant alliance–outcome relationships, whereby higher alliance ratings predicted better treatment outcomes, as well as improved engagement and retention in treatment. In addition, the review explored the conditions whereby alliances better predict outcomes, with reference to the alliance rater, the timing of the alliance rating and comorbid diagnoses. These results, however, largely remain inconclusive. Conclusions: The evidence as it stands demonstrates the importance of the therapeutic alliance in predicting outcomes for adolescents in substance misuse treatments. The implications of the review's findings and recommendations for future research are discussed.

[Key words] Therapeutic alliance; outcomes; adolescent substance misuse


论文原文:Iniyah Sulaman, Samantha Hartley, Rachel Elvins (2023). Therapeutic alliance in the treatment of adolescent substance misuse: a systematic review. Child Adolescent Ment Health. Volume 28. First published: August 1, 2023.










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