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已有 229 次阅读2024-2-19 15:00 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Routine Outcome Monitoring and Clinical Feedback in Psychotherapy: Recent Advances and Future Directions


<Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research>, February 2024





[Abstract] In the past decade, there has been an increase in research related to the routine collection and active use of standardized patient data in psychotherapy. Research has increasingly focused on personalization of care to patients, clinical skills and interventions that modulate treatment outcomes, and implementation strategies, all of which appear to enhance the beneficial effects of ROM and feedback. In this article, we summarize trends and recent advances in the research on this topic and identify several essential directions for the field in the short to medium term. We anticipate a broadening of research from the focus on average effects to greater specificity around what kinds of feedback, provided at what time, to which individuals, in what settings, are most beneficial. We also propose that the field needs to focus on issues of health equity, ensuring that ROM can be a vehicle for increased wellbeing for those who need it most. The complexity of mental healthcare systems means that there may be multiple viable measurement solutions with varying costs and benefits to diverse stakeholders in different treatment contexts, and research is needed to identify the most influential components in each of these contexts.

[Key words] Routine outcome measurement; Psychotherapy; Clinical feedback; Measurement-based care


论文原文:Andrew A. McAleavey, Kim de Jong, Helene A. Nissen-Lie, James F. Boswell, Christian Moltu & Wolfgang Lutz (2024). Routine Outcome Monitoring and Clinical Feedback in Psychotherapy: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Published: 08 February 2024









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