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幸福感比较与抑郁、焦虑和心理健康生活质量的情感风格之间的关联 ...

已有 482 次阅读2024-2-26 16:46 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


The associations among well-being comparisons and affective styles in depression, anxiety, and mental health quality of life

——原载《临床心理学杂志》2024年第80卷第2期——<Journal of Clinical Psychology>, Volume 80, Issue 2, 2024


【摘要】目的:参照系理论表明个体使用不同的比较类型来评估自己的幸福感。研究表明,厌恶性幸福比较的频率与抑郁有关,而产生的比较情感影响在一定程度上解释了这种关系。我们的目的是复制这一发现,检查这是否会影响焦虑和心理健康生活质量,以及这些途径是否受到隐藏、调整和容忍的情感方式的调节。我们预计隐藏作为一种以反应为中心的方式与比较情感影响对抑郁、焦虑和心理健康生活质量的较高影响相关。作为以前因为中心的策略进行调整预计可以减轻厌恶比较频率对比较情感影响的影响,以及比较情感影响对结果的影响。最后,预计耐受性与对这两种途径的较低影响有关。方法和措施:参与者 (N=596) 对幸福感比较、情感风格、抑郁、焦虑和心理健康生活质量的测量做出回应。结果:厌恶幸福感比较的频率与所有结果相关。这些关系部分是通过比较情感影响来调节的。调整调节了厌恶比较频率和比较情感影响之间的路径。没有出现其他调节效应。结论:比较过程在幸福感评估中显得很重要。



[Abstract] Objective: Frame-of-reference theories suggest that individuals use different comparison types to evaluate their well-being. Research indicates that the frequency of aversive well-being comparisons is related to depression, with engendered comparison affective impact partly accounting for this relationship. We aimed to replicate this finding, examine whether this extends to anxiety and mental health quality of life, and whether these pathways are moderated by affective styles of concealing, adjusting, and tolerating. We expected concealing as a response-focused style to be associated with higher effects of comparison affective impact on depression, anxiety, and mental health quality of life. Adjusting as an antecedent-focused strategy was expected to mitigate the effects of aversive comparison frequency on comparison affective impact, and the effects of comparison affective impact on the outcomes. Finally, tolerating was expected to be associated with lower effects on both pathways. Methods and Measures: Participants (N=596) responded to measures of well-being comparisons, affective styles, depression, anxiety, and mental health quality of life. Results: Frequency of aversive well-being comparisons was associated with all outcomes. These relationships were partially mediated by comparison affective impact. Adjustment moderated the pathway between aversive comparison frequency and comparison affective impact. No other moderation effect emerged. Conclusion: The comparison process appears important in well-being evaluations.

[Key words] anxiety, depression, general comparative‐processing model, mental health quality of life, well‐being comparisons


论文原文:Pascal Schlechter, Nexhmedin Morina (2024). The associations among well-being comparisons and affective styles in depression, anxiety, and mental health quality of life. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Volume 80, Issue 2, Pages 355-369. February 2024. (First published: October 17, 2023).











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