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Americans should be ashamed for Libya war

热度 1已有 3319 次阅读2012-8-5 09:02 |个人分类:中国人看世界|系统分类:时政资讯| 美国, 骗子, 杀人犯 分享到微信


Americans should be ashamed for Libya war, because peace President Obama not only cheating them, still cheat people all over the world!



  Because everyone's life belong to oneself, Americans are people too, the Arabs are people too, America is a country, Arabs has a country should be of them , Libya, too, no matter what kind of person is qaddafi.



    The United States is a sovereign, Libya is there?



    Americans are men, and Libya isn't people?



     Do not say first France, the world of the person all know, why did the U.S. hit Libya, because americans played in Afghanistan and Iraq, now again dozen Libya, so, the United States is a shameless don't love peace rascal countries?



     What is the humanitarian aid, what is the humanitarian war? This is the American of wanton play lies?



    With what the United States can wreak waging war since the founding, from the United States, the United States launched the war how many country? How many countries invaded?



   If Americans could be  lied and sorry to the people of the world, and ensures that no apology for this kind of behavior? So ,Americans can also be a hero? If Americans could guarantee not as a robber wanton make war, then America is a peace-loving nation  and  great people!




   用蹩脚的英文表达下情感,希望更多人看到,热切期盼美国人能看到此文!这篇文章是重发的!  原文是在美国入侵利比亚时候写成并发布的!






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回复 今又是 2012-8-6 15:03


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