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已有 2395 次阅读2014-4-11 23:58 |系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

A sensor system that has individual brain cells 52 reading 2014-3-22 09:19 | system classification: Science and technology education 1: brain cells is the activation brain nervous system, auxiliary nervous system activation and strengthen the brain cells and nervous system working memory, can enhance and reduce cerebral cell memory. Div 2: of brain cells after activation because the operating system can enhance the ability of logical thinking and operation, such as the computer operation speed is ten thousand times per minute, the brain cell is about five thousand times a minute, can put every time things and analysis. /div div 3: human brain is divided into left and right if the electrical activation of running together can bidirectional operation. Nbsp; div brain sensor technology /div is a human brain wave frequency, when listen to music Is it right? Can memory, music resonance the brain was sensing the past, and brain wave is the imitation of the nervous system in the human brain when hearing the music, so as to reach the brain sensor technology, make people understand and learn. /div div 4: because the brain sensor system can be activated so can force control and operation thinking ability as long as the appropriate environment and the appropriate psychological, activate the appropriate operation


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