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分享 Got beef? Clinton Portis and Jason Campbell in war of words
2010-1-8 13:59
           Got beef? Clinton Portis and Jason Campbell in war of words   Mike Shanahan knew he was inheriting a mess when he agreed to become head coach of the Washington Redskins. It got a little messier today when Clinton Portis(notes ...
1067 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lakers beat Rockets 88-79 for 4th straight win
2010-1-8 13:58
                                       Lakers beat Rockets 88-79 for 4th straight win LOS ANGELES (AP)—Pau G ...
989 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 医生提醒:哪些人不能看《阿凡达》
2010-1-8 13:56
                                   医生提醒:哪些人不能看《阿凡达》       《阿凡达》于1月4日热映。据 ...
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分享 jerseys
2009-12-28 15:17
753 次阅读|0 个评论

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