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Get a handwriting tablet for $15.90

已有 1146 次阅读2017-11-15 04:43 分享到微信

Protect Your Eyes, Easy to Learn, Memo 

Remember those reusable writing slates you had as a kid? You’d scribble with a plastic stylus (or even your fingernail), then lift the plastic sheet up to erase the whole thing and start fresh with a blank page.
Say hello to the modern, high-tech equivalent. Until recently, I didn’t even know these things existed.
First, the deal, then the explanation: For a limited time, and while supplies last, Light in the Box has the Parallel 12-inch LCD writing tablet for $15.90 shipped. Most other slates of this size sell for at least twice as much; the very similar (and better- know) Boogie Board sells for about $30, and that’s for an 8.5-inch model. If you’ve never used one of these before, they’re kind of amazing. It’s a super-light tablet that leaves a trail of e-ink as you draw on it. There’s no lag at all, and you can use either the included plastic stylus or, yep, your fingernail. The “screen” is pressure-sensitive. Press a button up top and the slate is wiped completely clean, ready for your next notes,drawings and so forth.http://www.amazon.com/dp/B076BCDBMC
What’s even more amazing is that the thing runs on a coin-cell battery that can literally last years. There are, however, a few caveats. First, there’s zero connectivity: You can’t print, save or share your drawings. Nor can you copy them to your phone or PC. Once they’re earased, they’re gone for good. Second, we’re all pretty spoiled by our bright, high-contrast screens; the electronic ink here will appear dull by comparison. I’d call great. See this video for a demonstration.

But for kids to doodle on, notes you want to scribble while on the phone and, of course, everyday spy-craft, writing tablets like these are pretty sweet. I can/t really speak to the quality of this particular brand, but I’ve seen a fair number of similar generice ones, and they’re all about the same.
Your thoughts?http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B076Z87JKV 







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