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Get a iPhone X Case for $6.66

已有 909 次阅读2017-11-15 04:56 分享到微信

This is the best leather case for the iPhone X. Period.http://www.amazon.com/dp/B076HPGR7M
We told you about our favorite iPhone X case, which is insanely thin and offers killer protection because it's made out of actual body armor material. It's definitely still our favorite all-around case, but there are times when you want a more sophisticated look to go with your sleek new iPhone X. For those time, allow us to introduce you to the hottest leather iPhone X case on the planet. Full Leather iPhone X Case comes in eight different colors including the tan you see above and a gray color that we absolutely adore, and it's by far the best leather iPhone X Case we've come across so far. somehow manages to be even more stylish, and it's avaible in the same great colors.
Super- sim profile accentuates iPhone's beautiful design. Well-balanced design that feels inherently right with a clean silhouette that follows contours of the device. Leather rises 1 mm above edge of the glass creating a raise bezel to protect your screen. http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B076WSQFWT







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