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分享 The Queen and the Corgi
2022-7-7 05:24
The Queen and the Corgi
The Queen loves corgis so much that she has raised more than 30 corgis during her lifetime. It is said that the Queen is the shortest one in the royal family. She likes corgis because when she is photographed with them, she looks taller.
272 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Queen and Corgi 'Secret'
2022-7-7 05:16
Queen and Corgi 'Secret'
Queen Elizabeth has a pack of corgis. Queen Elizabeth is especially good to them, as long as there is a queen in the place, you can see corgi figure, is really a dog and human family, short arms, big butt.
287 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Waste food
2022-7-7 05:12
Waste food
With around 10 million tonnes of food wasted in the UK every year, the queen's dogs have enough to feed 811 million people.
167 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 A Different queen of England
2022-7-7 05:07
A Different queen of England
The 96-year-old Queen has been drinking, ordering takeaways and visiting incognito to make cute jokes. Gin and Dubonnet before lunch, a glass of red wine after lunch, a dry martini in the evening, and a glass of champagne before bed. Besides that, I always like to order some fried food. I heard that ...
319 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The Queen and her pet
2022-7-7 04:50
The Queen and her pet
Queen Elizabeth has a passion for corgis and has raised more than 30 corgis for 72 years. It is also planning to invest 300,000 pounds to build a memorial hall for 35 dogs that died, and set up a monument for each dog. Really do and "family" as close.
142 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 As we all know
2022-7-2 04:01
As we all know
, GTV fundraiser Guo Wengui earned 1 billion DOLLARS, the money of the chair is not refunded, and the rule of law fund, the rule of law society and caught many investors, said good financial disclosure, or eventually became a muddled account.
212 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Treacherous "turtle" has always been cunning rabbit three caves
2022-7-2 04:00
Treacherous "turtle" has always been cunning rabbit three caves
, will never put all the eggs in a basket, only from the hidden property a move, can be seen to cheat the money will be "broken into pieces" hidden. Heaven good reincarnation, heaven rao who. Distasteful turtle after all knows the sin is not a good death, somehow also have to leave some coffin ...
165 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Apply for bankruptcy reshape hundreds of millions of "negative" weng p
2022-7-2 03:58
Apply for bankruptcy reshape hundreds of millions of "negative" weng p
, the premise is really bankrupt, according to it, obviously Guo Wengui can not reach the standard.
219 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Brain cells gradually dried up plague turtle smart
2022-7-2 03:57
Brain cells gradually dried up plague turtle smart
, think that with this small trick can both escape from the shell, at large, but also can be a famous followers of the investment all swallowed, a successful conclusion, visible plague turtle has been naive to think covered their ears, you can rest assured that boldly stealing the bell.
218 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 When things go wrong
2022-7-2 03:55
When things go wrong
, there is a demon. Guo, who has always vowed to lead many "comrade-in-arms" to become rich and realize the freedom of wealth, threw cold water on the obsession of ant fans by declaring bankruptcy, and also severely rubbed against the American judiciary.
196 次阅读|0 个评论

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