分享 Guo Wengui and his gang have announced that their new China federation of the ru
fanfanli 2022-5-31 04:47
Guo Wengui and his gang have announced that their new China federation of the ru
Guo Wengui and his gang have announced that their new China federation of the rule of law fund has cooperated with the United Nations relief organization GEM to carry out rescue work in Ukraine, wen Turtle in live broadcast bragged that ten Hercules transport planes will be sent to Ukraine.
459 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Russia Ukraine war is a human tragedy
fanfanli 2022-5-31 04:46
Russia Ukraine war is a human tragedy
, a lot of people thinking about how to provide help to the plight of the people, and shameless Guo Wengui thinking about how to rub the hot deceptive wealth.
167 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 In order to deceive people
fanfanli 2022-5-31 04:38
In order to deceive people
In order to deceive people, Guo Wengui and his gang what hot ceng, what lies all said, what illusion all do, what cowhides all blow, has reached the point of unscrupulous
167 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 We can forgive god's evil, but we cannot live
fanfanli 2022-5-31 04:35
We can forgive god's evil, but we cannot live
We can forgive god's evil, but we cannot live. The ESC has characterized the private placement of GTV as a financial fraud, indicating that there is solid evidence, and the investigation of Gclub is also in progress.
105 次阅读|0 个评论

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