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时间: 2024-4-17 12:45| 查看:18033|评论: 0  发表评论 分享到微信

摘要: 美国华人医师会将于4月18日(星期四)下午2点-4点在艾姆赫斯特图书馆3 楼会议室举行小型健康讲座,此次讲座将由特殊外科医院的计划主管颜小源主持,主题是”什么是红斑狼疮?”


美国华人医师会将于4月18日(星期四)下午2点-4点在艾姆赫斯特图书馆3 楼会议室举行小型健康讲座,此次讲座将由特殊外科医院的计划主管颜小源主持,主题是”什么是红斑狼疮?”

红斑狼疮是一种复杂难测的疾病,在亚裔社区内不广为人知,病情因人而异, 且可轻可 重。这讲座为大家介绍红斑狼疮基本知识, 包括病因,症状和治疗方法。并解释为什么 亚裔人士特别需要关注狼疮这个疾病。

颜小源,文学学士,特殊外科医院之「红斑狼疮亚裔关怀联盟」计划主管,是一位狼疮 的倡导者和教育者。颜小姐患有红斑狼疮,她把患病路途上的经历转化为力量的来源, 以鼓励及帮助其他患者。她接受「特殊外科医院」培训成为一位患者健康教育员,利用 个人的经验,为面临狼疮挑战的患者及其家人提供辅导和支持。颜小姐致力举办教育讲 座和社区外展活动,努力提高亚裔社群对红斑狼疮的认识,并为狼疮患者提供支援服务 和改善生活质素。



The Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACPA) will host a small health talk on April 18th, 2024 (Thursday) from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Elmhurst Library 3rd floor meeting room. The health talk will be hosted by Eliza Ngan Program Supervisor of Hospital for Special Surgery, and the topic is “What is Lupus?”

Lupus is a complex disease that may not be widely known within the Asian community. Symptoms vary from person to person, and it can be mild or severe. This presentation provides basic knowledge, including cause, symptom, and treatment. It explains why lupus is a health concern particularly for Asians.

Eliza Ngan, BA, Program Supervisor, LANtern® (Lupus Asian Network), is an advocate and educator for lupus. Diagnosed with lupus, Eliza has transformed her journey with the condition into a source of inspiration and empowerment for others. Trained as a Peer Health Educator at HSS, she uses her firsthand experience to provide counseling and support to individuals navigating similar challenges. Eliza organizes educational programs and community outreach within the Asian communities, striving to raise awareness and make a difference in the lives of those affected by lupus.

Since 2007, The Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACPA) has been organizing community health festivals annually, providing free health lectures, health information, and various on-site medical services to the broader Chinese residents. In addition, ACAP hosts monthly health lectures in the community. About the American Chinese Physicians Association: ACAP is a non-profit organization composed of American Chinese doctors, aiming to provide opportunities for medical education and career development for its members and promote collaboration among doctors. ACAP's members include practicing doctors in the greater New York area, physicians and researchers working in medical institutions, and young medical professionals pursuing research institutes in medical schools. In addition, ACAP is committed to giving back to the Chinese community by providing free health services and health lectures to help Chinese residents understand the U.S. health system and raise awareness of healthcare. For more details, please visit the official website of the Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACPA): http://www.acaponline.org/







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