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热度 1已有 1061 次阅读2021-10-8 20:13 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信




Are we at all liberal at heart? High-powered tests find no effect of intuitive thinking on moral foundation



<Journal of Experimental Social Psychology> 2021, 92 (2)


【摘要】两种对立的观点界定了关于人类行为背后的道德原则的争论。一方认为五个道德基础(关怀、公平、忠诚、权威、神圣)的核心作用,而另一方则认为其中两个(关怀、公平)抓住了人类道德关注的本质。在比较这两种观点的实验中,Wright和 Baril(2011)发现认知负荷下的保守派贬低忠诚、权威和神圣,并变得更加自由。他们对谨慎和公平的共同直觉关注的发现支持了两个基础的观点。在两个强大的预注册实验(N=3275)中,我们利用时间压力来诱导直觉思维,并测试Wright和Baril的发现,即“我们内心都是自由主义者”。尽管操作按预期工作,但研究1未能确定对道德基础问卷(MFQ)的影响。我们推测,熟悉标准调查项目可能会通过引出稳定的意见来削弱直觉操纵。因此,在研究2中,我们不仅使用了MFQ,还使用了新颖的道德基础小插曲。研究2未能发现时间压力对任一问卷类型的影响。内部贝叶斯元分析表明,强有力的证据反对直觉思维对道德基础的影响。


[Abstract] Two opposing views define the debate on the moral principles underlying human behavior. One side argues a central role for five moral foundations (care, fairness, loyalty, authority, sanctity), while the other argues that two of these (care, fairness) capture the essence of human moral concerns. In an experiment comparing these two views, Wright and Baril (2011) found that conservatives under cognitive load devalue loyalty, authority and sanctity, and become more liberal. Their finding of common intuitive concern with care and fairness supports the two-foundation perspective. In two high-powered preregistered experiments (N = 3275), we used time-pressure to induce intuitive thinking and tested Wright and Baril's finding that “we are all liberals at heart.” Although the manipulations worked as intended, Study 1 failed to identify an effect on the moral foundations questionnaire (MFQ). We conjectured that familiarity with standard survey items may weaken intuition manipulations by eliciting stable opinions. In Study 2, we therefore used not only the MFQ but also novel moral foundations vignettes. Study 2 failed to find an effect of time-pressure on either questionnaire type. An internal Bayesian meta-analysis indicated strong evidence against an effect of intuitive thinking on moral foundations.

[Key words] Moral foundations questionnaire; Moral foundations vignettes; Time-pressure; Intuitive thinking; Core foundations


中文解析是针对论文《我们本质上是自由的吗?高性能测试发现直觉思维对道德基础没有影响(Are we at all liberal at heart? High-powered tests find no effect of intuitive thinking on moral foundation)》的一篇论文解析,该论文于2021年1月发表于《实验社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Experimental Social Psychology)第92卷。该研究作者包括澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学(QUT)的OzanIsler,土耳其卡迪尔有大学的Onurcan Yilmaz 和土耳其阿尔廷巴斯大学的Burak Doğruyol。


论文原文:Isler Ozan and Yilmaz Onurcan and Doğruyol Burak. (2021). Are we at all liberal at heart? High-powered tests find no effect of intuitive thinking on moral foundations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 92(2). DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104050









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