来到美国后发现他们的名字当然不能用中文表达,名字在这里:一字螺丝刀:Slotted Screwdriver, 十字螺丝刀:Crossedhead Screwdriver or Phillips Screwdriver.
Phillips Screwdriver? 这是个人的名字,上网查找,原来是他:
Henry Phillips
Phillips Screw
U.S. Patent No. 2,046,343
Inducted in 2011
Born June 4, 1889 - Died April 13, 1958
The significance of the crosshead or Phillips screw lies in its self-centering property. In 1933, Henry Phillips purchased the rights to a socket screw and redesigned the screw with a cruciform recess. Unlike a traditional slot screw which required a person to simultaneously center the screw in its hole, steady the screwdriver in the slot, and then use the screwdriver to turn the screw, the Phillips screw's cruciform head sat firmly on the screwdriver with no need to center the screw in the hole.
As automobiles and other products came to be assembled on moving assembly lines in the 1920s, it soon become apparent to engineers that mass production could be greatly improved by developing a self-centering screw that would work with power tools.
Over the next few years, Phillips filed several patents for this design and formed the Phillips Screw Company. Phillips initially encountered difficulty in convincing manufacturers to produce his new screw. He persisted and finally persuaded the American Screw Company to license and manufacture his innovation. American Screw convinced General Motors to test Phillips screws on its assembly line, and GM used the new fastener to manufacture its 1936 Cadillac. It helped speed production, and was rapidly adopted by other Detroit automakers. By 1940, 85% of the screw manufacturing companies had secured a license from Phillips to produce his design.
美国专利号 2,046,343
生于 1889 年 6 月 4 日 - 卒于 1958 年 4 月 13 日
十字头螺钉或十字螺钉的重要性在于其自定心性能。 1933 年,亨利·菲利普斯 (Henry Phillips) 购买了内六角螺钉的权利,并重新设计了带有十字形凹槽的螺钉。 与传统的槽螺钉需要人们同时将螺钉居中在孔中,将螺丝刀稳定在槽中,然后使用螺丝刀转动螺钉不同,十字螺钉的十字形头牢固地固定在螺丝刀上,无需居中 孔中的螺丝。
随着 20 世纪 20 年代汽车和其他产品开始在移动装配线上组装,工程师们很快就意识到,通过开发可与电动工具配合使用的自定心螺钉可以大大提高批量生产。
在接下来的几年里,菲利普斯为此设计申请了多项专利,并成立了菲利普斯螺丝公司。菲利普斯最初在说服制造商生产他的新螺丝时遇到了困难。 他坚持不懈,最终说服美国螺丝公司许可并生产他的创新产品。 American Screw 说服通用汽车公司在其装配线上测试十字螺丝,通用汽车公司使用这种新紧固件来制造 1936 款凯迪拉克。它有助于加快生产速度,并迅速被底特律的其他汽车制造商采用。 到 1940 年,85% 的螺丝制造公司已获得菲利普斯的许可来生产他的设计。
