文森特是提奥·梵高和乔·邦格的独生子。 他于 1890 年 1 月 31 日出生于巴黎,以他的艺术家伯父的名字命名。
他在代尔夫特大学学习机械工程,并在法国、美国和日本担任工程师,然后于 1920 年初返回荷兰。他与学生时代的朋友恩斯特·希曼斯 (Ernst Hijmans) 一起创办了一家管理咨询公司。
1925 年母亲去世后,文森特全面负责收藏梵高的素描、油画和信件,以及他叔叔和父亲收藏的同时代人的作品。
对他来说,重要的是这些藏品在他1978年去世后仍能保持完整并可供参观。这就是他建立文森特·梵高基金会并与荷兰政府签订协议的原因。 国家同意建造梵高博物馆,阿姆斯特丹市政府在博物馆广场上提供了一块土地。 这样就确保了任何人都可以访问。

文森特·梵高国家博物馆于 1973 年 6 月 3 日向公众开放。直到去世前不久,文森特大部分时间都在博物馆里,他全身心投入与他的伯父文森特、父亲提奥和博物馆有关的一切。
he painting was a gift for Vincent’s newborn nephew. The boy was born on 31 January 1890, and Theo and his wife Jo named him Vincent, after his uncle. Van Gogh was delighted to hear the news: ‘It does me, too, more good and gives me more pleasure than I could express in words’.
He started work on this painting straight away. He painted the blue sky very precisely around the branches. If you look closely, you can see how many different shades of blue he used, just like in a real-life sky.
Almond Blossom
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890),
Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, February 1890
oil on canvas, 73.3 cm x 92.4 cm
Credits (obliged to state): Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
The painting was a gift for his brother Theo and sister-in-law Jo, who had just had a baby son, Vincent Willem. In the letter announcing the new arrival, Theo wrote: ‘As we told you, we’ll name him after you, and I’m making the wish that he may be as determined and as courageous as you.’ Unsurprisingly, it was this work that remained closest to the hearts of the Van Gogh family. Vincent Willem went on to found the Van Gogh Museum.