分享 Immediate Job Opening of Import Operation-Expiring on 11/15/2015
肯维专业培训 2015-11-3 13:21
SF Systems Logistics Company in Jamaica NY is looking for Air Import Operation and Ocean Import Operation, must fluent in English and Mandarin, Office computer skill, legal status, self-motivated, can drive, have experience preferred. We can referral. If you are interested please send your resume t ...
个人分类: Job Opening 招聘|3851 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 急需请办公室文员
肯维专业培训 2015-9-23 13:24
Oversea Express 近JFK聘请办公室文员,做单证,统计表格, 对账, 会基本的办公软件Word, Excel, QuickBooks,合法身份,工作5天,基本的英文沟通能力。感兴趣者发简历到 jobassistance@kenvictraining.com 更多招聘信息請點擊: http://bit.ly/1KQQDNq ...
个人分类: Job Opening 招聘|2961 次阅读|0 个评论

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