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已有 335 次阅读2022-6-30 17:37 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:家庭生活分享到微信


Dimensions of couples’ sexual communication, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction: A meta-analysis


<Journal of Family Psychology>, 2022, 36 (3)

  【摘要】尽管有一致的证据表明,性交流与关系和性满意度呈正相关,但关于性交流的哪些方面或多或少对关系和性满意度很重要,一直存在经验模糊。我们进行了一项系统的荟萃分析,以调查性交流和关系与性满意度之间的关联强度是否因性交流的维度以及个人、人际关系和文化因素而异。荟萃分析包括93项研究,具有209个独特效应量,代表当前关系中的38,499个独特个体。多层次荟萃分析证明性交流与关系(r=.37)和性满意度(r=.43)之间存在正相关关系。对于关系满意度和性满意度,与性交流频率(r=.31.31)和性自我表露(r=.28.39)。在控制了样本的平均年龄和关系长度后,与具有混合关系状态的样本 (r=.35) 相比,已婚参与者 (r=.49) 的样本具有更大的效应量。更高水平的个人主义 (b=.003) 加强,更高水平的性别不平等 (b=-.06) 减弱,性交流和性满意度之间的关联。最后,当社会性欲低下时,性交流与男性的关系满意度(r=.69)和女性的关系满意度(r=.16)有很大的相关性。测量、样本特征和文化因素在理解伴侣的性交流与他们的关系和性满意度之间的联系方面具有重要作用。

    [Abstract] Despite consistent evidence that sexual communication positively correlates with relationship and sexual satisfaction, there has been empirical murkiness regarding which aspects of sexual communication matter more or less for relationship and sexual satisfaction. A systematic meta-analysis was conducted to investigate if the strength of the association between sexual communication and relationship and sexual satisfaction varied by dimensions of sexual communication and individual, interpersonal, and cultural factors. The meta-analysis included 93 studies with 209 unique effect sizes, which represented 38,499 unique individuals in a current relationship. The multilevel meta-analysis evidenced a positive association between sexual communication and both relationship (r = .37) and sexual satisfaction (r = .43). For relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction, the effect size for quality of sexual communication (r =.43; .52) was larger compared to the frequency of sexual communication (r=.31; .31) and sexual self-disclosure (r=.28; .39). After controlling for the average age and relationship length of the sample, samples with married participants (r =.49) had larger effect sizes compared to samples with mixed relationship statuses (r = .35). Higher levels of individualism (b = .003) strengthened, and higher levels of gender inequality (b = −.06) weakened, the association between sexual communication and sexual satisfaction. Finally, when socio-sexuality was low, sexual communication had a large association with relationship satisfaction for men (r = .69) and a small association for women (r =.16). Measurement, sample characteristics, and cultural factors have an important role in understanding the link between partners’ sexual communication and their relationship and sexual satisfaction.

    论文原文:Mallory, A. B. (2022). Dimensions of couples’ sexual communication, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(3), 358–371.









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