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歐陽詢書論 Oh-Yang Sheun's Essay On Calligraphy

已有 2463 次阅读2011-2-13 18:52 |系统分类:文学分享到微信

歐陽詢書論 Oh-Yang Sheun's Essay On Calligraphy_图1-1
歐陽詢書論 Oh-Yang Sheun's Essay On Calligraphy

澄神靜慮,端己正容,秉筆思生,臨池志逸。Be clear in mind and deliberated in serenity with the body well seated and at ease. Have the idea in mind before we take up the brushes so imagination and aspiration can flash during writing.

虛拳直腕,指齊掌空,意在筆前,文向思後。With the fist hollow and the wrist level, and the fingers firm and the palm void, start to write as the mind commands before writing the brushstrokes with the artistic ideas already conceptualized. 

分間布白,勿令偏側。Be very careful with the general shape and spacing, and do not let the character tilt sideways.

墨淡則傷神彩,絕濃必滯鋒毫。Too pale an ink will dim the characters' luster and downgrade the spirit, too thick a one will obstruct the brush motion.

肥則為鈍,瘦則露骨,勿使傷于軟弱,不須怒降為奇。A broad fleshy stroke looks gross; a very slim one exposes the "bones." Do not spoil a character by over-pliancy, nor exaggerate it with affected fury and quarrelsome characteristics.  

Let all four sides be evenly proportioned and all parts corroborated and coordinated in eight directions. Short and long strokes must be calculated in relation to one another, and compromising effects well balanced between the rough (or coarse) and delicate (or fine) strokes.

Mind and eye together should calculate and determine density or looseness of textures as well as upright or aslant inclinations.

The will and spirit of characters depend on the their proportions and sizes.

It is fatal to place a light head on a heavy base (or to write a stroke, say a Vertical or a Horizontal, with a bulged head and a light tail) or to overly shorten the left side in relation to the right one. The stance of a character should be like that of a well-built man. Achieving these qualities by synchronizing the top portion with the well-supported bottom portion in coordination with well-fitted equilibrium of the the left (west) and right (east) parts will delight our mood in writing with comfort and light up our spirit.

By thinking over and following my humble suggestions, there will be no reason for wasted time and failure - I doubt who cannot be good at calligraphy!   


上一篇: 依艺绘画






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回复 meimei8799 2011-2-13 23:03
To: bjny 你曾经说:
回复 meimei8799 2011-2-13 22:50
To: 邝幸 你曾经说:
谢谢美女邝幸,warm my heart:)
回复 邝幸 2011-2-13 20:01
回复 bjny 2011-2-13 19:33


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