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中国网民占领奥巴马Google+ 美国人怒了

热度 4已有 3290 次阅读2012-2-29 04:56 | 中国网民, 奥巴马, Google, 美国人 分享到微信






Comments from Obama’s Google+ Wall:




Brian Anderson (American writing in English):

The Chinese word for “sofa” must be really similar to some other chinese word that the translator is not understanding. There’s no way this many people are talking about sofas. lol



Here come the Chinese.



President, respect human rights! You freed Iraq and, freed Libya, shouldn’t you also free us?!!



Must occupy Google+! Capture the White House!



Mr. President, do you like to eat la mian [handmade noodles]? If you like it, come to my hometown, and I’ll treat you to eat until you’re full!


Ali Utlu (Addressing the Chinese comments):

Be polite!


Terry Schmidt:

Dear President Obama, when will you send troops to liberate China?



Mr. President, we long for America’s freedom.


Dylan Bozarth (American writing in English):

I need to learn Chinese.



Are you all not losing face? I cannot feel embarrassed more.


Joepo Ding:

Is this what freedom tastes like?


吴佳斌 (In English):

Obama, you do not contribute to world peace, but earlier get the Nobel peace prize, do not you feel ridiculous?
You to attack terrorists without the permission of a sovereign state without authorization to send troops into the country, and the manslaughter of a few 60 people in this country, and finally, only say “We regret that”. Please tell me what is your human rights?



COATTAIL WA (In English):

We Chinese seldom have the chance to connected with the world’s famous websites including U2B,FACEBOOK, TWITTER,WIKI. g+ opened several days ago and Chinese is so exited and our “occupy” is friendly, We love America and world value!


Robert Bridgewater (American writing in English):

If they can’t speak English, they most likely aren’t even legal and shouldn’t be voting anyways! Who paid for this? It better not have come from any tax payers!


Cale Monson (American responding to above):

Um, I really hope this is supposed to be a joke comment. These are Chinese citizens who are actually in china, not “illegals”. If this is a joke profile, then you’ve done very well. If this is sincere, then you are a moron.


Sean Lee:

Americans suspect we are all illegal immigrants, but according to freedom of speech is it against the law for illegal immigrants to write comments??


tianhao shen:

Do you know why if was so easy for you you guys to grab the sofa? It’s because foreigners often first read the post seriously, earnestly think about what to say, and then write a comment. Unlike Chinese people who come and immediately say “sofa, front row, up close…..”, All day writing these meaningless things. Perhaps this is the so-called “Chinese characteristics.”


Siqi Wu:

Ha ha ha, watching intensely~~~~why we should speak English ?Just some people dont know Chinese?Its tell you learn Chinese is important.plz learn ,ty. lol~~So happy I can type Chinese, oh yeah!~~~

哈 哈哈,强力围观


Really sorry, but I’m also here to occupy. Hope Obama doesn’t just focus on China economically, [because] what China needs more is democracy and freedom. Obama please exert your influence.


Brian Anderson [American writing in English]:

I think it’s awesome that China now has access to G+, but seriously, if you’re going to flood an American politician with comments, at least put them in English so those of us who actually live here can read them? I don’t really understand the purpose of responding to an all-English post in nothing but Chinese. Clearly you guys can speak English if you can read the post…


(陈口诚) (Responding to above in English):

My reply to the Chinese compatriots are in order to express their aspirations for freedom. We do not have direct access to G+ , because we have a national firewall. I hope you forgive us, thank you!


Paloschi Alberto:

Hello Mr. President, I am Chinese. I hope that when you are dealing with the Chinese government that you won’t only focus on economic interests. The people here also need freedom and democracy. We need a free internet and a safeguarded life that is not too hard. Hope you can do your best to help us, thank you.


武廷建 (In English):

Why there are so many Chinese. Because we can’t communicate with other country people for a long time. We come here and post comments. You see, most comments have nothing.That’s like you hadn’t ate food for a long time. So when you can eat food now. You have no time to think it’s delicious or not but eating. Because you don’t know where is the next food. If you can eat anytime,that won’t a problem.I hope you could understand that, my American friends.



I will speak English!we want freedom,we need facebookwe hate great fire wall


Cross Lee:

hi americans. i know it made you uncomfortable because so many chinese here. please dont mind. most of them are stupid and ridiculousthey have a damn mind education by ccp. they dont know what is manner. but not all chinese like them. hope your mood will be better. god bless you.and god bless america.:) Fellow Chineseplease demonstrate manners and upbringing, this is not China.


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