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吃河豚 (Eating puffer fish)

热度 1已有 6055 次阅读2012-10-3 20:21 分享到微信






                                                                             Eating puffer fish

New Year's Day, January 1, 1974, the same as in previous years. Supply and marketing cooperatives started selling New Year supplies, each ticket to buy a pig, a pound of pork, half a catty mutton, half a catty beef, couple of pounds of fish. In order to get a big point with a little more meat pig, people are working like mad. Big Brothers and Big Sisters to see the large pig away through the back door, the whole anxious, skip the chopping board to try to steal. Gong Xiaoyuan uncle took the knife to scare them and they are not afraid. Not only called the police station to maintain order. The only way to sell it.

Very strange, only fish when no one robbed. A pick pick pick pick, afraid Gong Xiaoyuan uncle put them? Sold out every time the front have a lot of fish are thrown away together with ice cubes. Some people go home, feed the chickens, chicken dead. Feed the duck, dead duck. Feed the dog, the dog died. A scared silly, never pick. Supply and marketing cooperatives in front of the heap big pile of.

One day, my father walked from the supply and marketing cooperatives in front, laughed, referring to a pile of fish said; "so many fish, how nobody wanted ah?" Gong Xiaoyuan uncle against the doorframe looking at my dad laugh. Laugh washed over deceit. The father said; "unwanted, I want to pick up. Small not to pick up large. Passerby said: "This man is not poor crazy is sick." Some good-hearted people came over and said; "This fish can only feed the chickens. The father said shaking his head: "No, I eat." This frightened to come. Said that the Public Security Bureau, the Bureau of Health, Hospital, have sent people to look at. The hospital sent an ambulance waiting at my doorstep.

Father to take the fish home, well, who eat, who do not eat. The father said; "you do not eat, I eat." Looked at my father to eat, I also used to eat. Really good to eat. The meat is delicate, ultra-fresh, absolutely my life, I eat delicious. Later I learned that I eat puffer fish poison fish world.








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回复 zhaowangbing 2012-10-4 07:00
回复 zhaowangbing 2012-10-4 06:58


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