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Chinese Culture Day at CH2. (蒙校的中国年)

热度 3已有 2805 次阅读2012-1-24 17:08 | delicious, following, children, Children, teacher 分享到微信

On the Chinese New Year Day of 2012, Children House 2 of Oak Meadow Montessori School had a special Chinese culture lesson. Parents of 7 students brought in many items, books and red envelops to demonstrate Chinese customs related to Chinese New Year. Students of CH2 enjoyed the special lesson greatly, as well as the delicious Chinese food served afterwords.

In an email, CH2 teacher Ms. Coughlan wrote to CH2 parents "Thank you all for the delightful morning you shared with us! The children thoroughly enjoyed all they learned about Chinese New Year and of course the luncheon was delicious!"

In her reply to Ms. Coughlan, organizer of the event, Rachel's mom Jing Liu wrote the following:
"Thanks Ms. Coughlan and Ms. Valencourt for having us come in and your great support to make it run smoothly!
Thanks Nancy for the great presentation right before her important company meeting, and thanks Jay for bringing in the drink!
Thanks Yan for bringing in lots of cute dress, art work, the yummy noodle and the drink!
Thanks Wei for bringing in more cute dress, zodiac color booklets and the healthy fruit!
Thanks my dad for making nice dumplings since cooking is my weakest link... :-)
Thanks David for bringing in the yummy dumplings and being our professional camera man!
Thanks Robin and Peter for Both coming with Robin coming in first with cool decorations, and Peter taking care of ordering the delicious noodles!

Thank you all for the great Teamwork, and wish you all a wonderful Year of Dragon!"

Now, please find some pictures below.

Chinese Culture Day at CH2. (蒙校的中国年)_图1-1

Chinese Culture Day at CH2. (蒙校的中国年)_图1-2

Chinese Culture Day at CH2. (蒙校的中国年)_图1-3

Chinese Culture Day at CH2. (蒙校的中国年)_图1-4

Chinese Culture Day at CH2. (蒙校的中国年)_图1-5







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回复 rubin 2012-1-25 21:57
回复 theLinmingda 2012-1-25 08:42


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