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已有 3363 次阅读2011-8-19 14:07 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


六周的暑期课程昨天终于结束了。虽然暑期是最短最紧张的修课阶段,但高压之下,学习效率也令自己称奇。“多媒体工具”是传媒系学生的必修课,也被大家评为挑战性最大的课之一,尤其对于我们这些非计算机科学或广告专业的同学来说更是一切从零开始。从用Photoshop制作通缉令,因特网时间表,到用Adobe Illustrator 设计网站的LOGO和页面,每堂课都在疯狂记笔记,然后是每天数小时的电脑制图。虽然很小就开始握画笔,但用鼠标画图还是让我费尽了周章,一片树叶就画了一个多小时多媒体工具课。好在作品得到老师赞誉,一切付出皆值。




Redesign Website: www.kab.org


Name of Organization: Keep America Beautiful (组织名称:让美国持续美丽)


Logo:  This is a nonprofit organization’s website which has a goal of environment protection. But you cannot see any element reflecting the meaning of green in the original logo. It looks really like a campaign logo. (这是一个非营利环保组织的网站,但从他们的标识中却看不到一点儿与绿色相关的元素,反而更像竞选标识。)

       My design is based on the initials of the organization’s name, KAB. I transformed “K” into a person who has one hand as a green leaf, which is the best symbol of the environment. Another hand relates to the letters A and B. This implies keeping America beautiful with your hands. It also connects to the motive of the organization which is taking personal responsibility to keep America beautiful.  (我的标识设计基于该组织名称的首字母,KAB。我把“K”转化成拥有一只绿叶手的人,而绿叶无疑是最好的环保象征。他的另一只手连接着字母A和B,这寓意着用你的双手让美国持续美丽,这也呼应了该组织的动机和目的:尽个人责任去保持美国的美丽。)


Website:   The original homepage was roughly designed. Pictures with leaves lay out the background; this is a nonprofessional method for the background design. The design of the mantle fails as well, which just simply brings forth what beauty is: flowers, trees and buildings. But the questions remain about environment protection, and how to represent the mission of keeping America Beautiful. The content also didn’t exhibit their specialties with other similar websites that is “not only action but also education”. Likewise the homepage shows little emphasis.   (原来的网页设计十分粗糙,绿叶图片平铺整个背景,这样的处理方式极不专业。头图的设计也很失败,只是浅显地罗列出何为美丽:鲜花,绿树和建筑。但问题是何谓环保,以及该如何体现“让美国持续美丽”的使命。网页的内容并没有展现出它和同类网站相比的独特之处――不仅仅是行动,更是教育。而整个主页也没能突出重点。)   

       Therefore I want my design to exhibit the mission, the motive and the advantages immediately, and clearly.  In my homepage I only bring the education aspect up. I use a sapling with five leaves as the main menu, which includes all the education parts, and one big magic leaf as the mantle which shows slides that relate to the main menu. For example, if you click either the menu or the picture of “prevention” you will go to the secondary webpage where you will learn “The costs of Americans littering”, “who Litters and Why People Litter”, “Where Do people Litter and what is Littered”, “How to put a stop to litter”, and “What you can do to prevent litter”.  The second slide is about “Recycling”, you will learn “Source reduction and reuse”, “Composting organic materials”, “Waste-to- energy”, also “Landfilling” there. The third slide is “Beauty”, you will learn “Tree planting and urban forestry initiatives”, “Creating community gardens” and so on. The fourth is “Kid’s zone”, and the last one is “Tools”, you can find education session for everyone, business, and teachers. (因此,我希望我的设计能直观清晰地呈现该组织的使命,目的和优势。我只把涉及教育的部分放到了主页中;以有五片绿叶的小树苗作为主菜单,其中包含了网站所涉及的所有教育部分。一片梦幻的大绿叶就好似头图播放着和主菜单内容一致的幻灯片。例如:如果你点击菜单或幻灯片中的“预防”就会进入下级页面,您将了解“每年美国乱扔垃圾的造价”、“谁、以及为何乱扔垃圾”、“人们都扔了些什么以及扔在何处”、“如何制止乱扔垃圾”、和“您能为防止乱扔垃圾做些什么”。第二张幻灯片是关于“再循环”,您将学到“资源的回收利用”,“堆制有机肥料”“废物变能源”和“土地填充”的相关知识。第三张是“美丽”,您将了解“植树方法和市区造林倡导”“建造社区花园”等。第四是儿童天地,而第五则是“工具”,您可以找到针对个人、企业和教师的教育课程。 )

       Also I put the news section into the mantle, because I think telling people what you did and what you will do is an important way to get more and more people involved. The secondary touts include “Who we are”, “Get involved”, “Media center” and “support”. Above the “support” button is a donation button which matches with the “leaf hand” of the logo. The “leaf hand” is also the symbol of the website that I put on the browser too. I only use three colors which I used in the logo design; green, blue and gray. The colors and the shape were popped out from the block background. If you look at the shape of the webpage you will find it is similar with the logo’s shape. I hope all the details of my design give the website a unitary style, and also represent the brand well.我也把新闻部分放入了头图中,因为我认为告诉人们你做过什么和还将做什么是吸引更多人加入的重要途径。在二级菜单中囊括了“我们是谁”、“加入我们”、“媒体中心”和“支持”。在“支持”键的上方是一个和标识中绿叶手相呼应的“募捐”键,而“绿叶手”也是该网站的符号,我也把它放在了浏览器中。整个网页只采用了标识设计中的三种颜色:绿、蓝、灰。颜色和图形在全黑的背景中更为突出。如果你注意看网页的形状会发现它和标识的图形非常相似。我希望这些设计的细节能给予该网站一个整体、统一的风格,并很好的呈现了该品牌的内涵。)










                                                                     www.kab.org 的原网页






终于放假了,o(∩_∩)o...哈哈     ――谭琳 07/07/2010



上一篇: 视频:第一个3D作品
下一篇: Waiting for






发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

回复 vzhou 2011-8-19 14:17
你新设计的KAB Logo比原来的好太多了。


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