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Popular Chinese Names

已有 2513 次阅读2015-6-21 18:48 | Chinese, Names 分享到微信

Chinese names (Xing Ming in Chinese) are used in China and in Chinese communities throughout the world. Xing means family name (last name), and Ming means given name (first name). In China, the family name is put first, and followed by the given name. Family Name

The family normally contains only one character (or one syllable). A boy’s name can be Wenfeng, and he belongs to the Zhang family. People in China call him Zhang Wenfeng, but not Wenfeng Zhang unless he is traveling abroad. When the boy becomes a grow-up, he is called Zhang Xiansheng (Mr. Zhang in English).

Given Name

Normally, the given name contains two Chinese characters (or two syllables), they name up more than 80% of Chinese names. Some people’s given names only have one character, and three-character (three-syllable) given names are rare. Also, each character in the given carries meaning (such as health, prosperity, virtue, serenity, and happiness), and parents or grandparents spend a lot of time picking a given name for a newborn baby. 美国代购

Popular Family Names

The most popular family names are Li (8%), Wang (7.5%), and Zhang (7%), and they cover over 20% of the population. The other popular family names include Liu, Chen, Zhao, Yang, Huang, Hu, Sun, Xu, Wu, Zhou, Zhu, Gao, Lin, He, Guo, and Ma. These family names represent about half of the whole Chinese population.

Generally, a child is always entitled to the surname of the father. Nowadays, children do not have to do so. They can use their mother’s family name.

Chinese Names: http://www.chinesecultureshop.com/chinese-names/







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