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已有 554 次阅读2021-12-23 16:42 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Intelligence and Creativity Share a Common Cognitive and Neural Basis



<Journal of Experimental Psychology: General(JEPG)>, 2021, 105 (4)


【摘要】智力和创造力是不同的能力,还是依赖于相同的认知和神经系统?我们试图通过将fMRI数据的机器学习和认知能力数据的潜在变量模型结合起来,量化智力和创造性认知在大脑和行为中的重叠程度,在一个完成一系列智力和行为的年轻人(N=186)样本中创造性思维任务。该研究有3个分析目标:(a) 评估智力的特定方面(例如,流动和结晶智力)和一般智力对创造能力(即发散性思维的原创性)的贡献,(b) 对全脑功能连接进行建模预测智力方面和创造能力的网络,以及 (c) 量化这些预测网络在大脑中的重叠程度。使用结构方程模型,我们发现智力方面与创造能力之间存在中等至较大的相关性,以及一般智力与创造能力之间存在较大的相关性 (r=.63)。使用基于连接组的预测模型,我们发现预测智力方面的功能性大脑网络与预测创造力的网络在不同程度上重叠,特别是在执行控制网络的前额叶皮层内。值得注意的是,预测一般智力的网络与预测创造能力的网络共享46%的功能连接——包括连接执行控制和显着性/腹侧注意力网络的连接——表明智能和创造性思维依赖于类似的神经和认知系统。



[Abstract] Are intelligence and creativity distinct abilities, or do they rely on the same cognitive and neural systems? We sought to quantify the extent to which intelligence and creative cognition overlap in brain and behavior by combining machine learning of fMRI data and latent variable modeling of cognitive ability data in a sample of young adults(N = 186) who completed a battery of intelligence and creative thinking tasks. The study had 3 analytic goals: (a) to assess contributions of specific facets of intelligence (e.g., fluid and crystallized intelligence) and general intelligence to creative ability (i.e., divergent thinking originality), (b) to model whole-brain functional connectivity networks that predict intelligence facets and creative ability, and (c) to quantify the degree to which these predictive networks overlap in the brain. Using structural equation modeling, we found moderate to large correlations between intelligence facets and creative ability, as well as a large correlation between general intelligence and creative ability (r=.63). Using connectome-based predictive modeling, we found that functional brain networks that predict intelligence facets overlap to varying degrees with a network that predicts creative ability, particularly within the prefrontal cortex of the executive control network. Notably, a network that predicted general intelligence shared 46% of its functional connections with a network that predicted creative ability-including connections linking executive control and salience/ventral attention networks-suggesting that intelligence and creative thinking rely on similar neural and cognitive systems.

[Key words] creativity, connectome-based predictive modeling, divergent thinking, intelligence, structural equation modeling


本中文解析是针对论文智力和创造力有着共同的认知和神经基础(Intelligence and Creativity Share a Common Cognitive and NeuralBasis)的一篇论文解析,该论文于2021年4月发表于发表于美国《实验心理学杂志:总论》(Journal of Experimental Psychology: General)第105卷第4期上,研究者包括美国密西西比大学的Emily Frith , 宾夕法尼亚州立大学Daniel B. Elbich北卡罗来纳大学格林斯博罗分校的Alexander P. Christensen,芝加哥大学的Monica D. Rosenberg宾夕法尼亚州立大学和西南大学的Qunlin Chen杜克大学的Paul Seli等学者


论文原文:Frith Emily, Elbich Daniel B, Christensen Alexander P, Rosenberg Monica D, Chen Qunlin, Kane Michael J, Silvia Paul J, SeliPaul, Beaty Roger E (2021). Intelligence and creativity share a common cognitive and neural basis. Journal of experimental psychology:General,150(4):609-632.








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