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date 2022-04-14 阿珍让我跟她妹子品红,一起处理一下她们姐妹俩的粉档,顺便把积压要发的消耗品能发就发了。一来是阿珍怀孕,她觉得不能多动窝,这事我还得跟她说说;二来这个疫情把一切都搞乱了,该来的货不来,要发的货发不出去,帐目啥的全乱了套。阿珍是留着不是,关了也不是。我说别管那么多了,先全部关掉,等事情 ...
One customer gave feedback that he failed to install the Yanhua ACDP2 software on his computer. The system asked him to install .NET Framework. EOBDTOOL engineer offered the solution below. It requires install the running environment. 1.Download ...
不要让残疾人掉队:审查残疾人的全面性教育 Stop leaving people with disability behind: Reviewing comprehensive sexuality education for people with disability ——原载《健康教育杂志》2024年8月11日,首次在线发表—— Health Education Journal First published online:August 11, 2 ...